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  • Writer's pictureCatalina Bobadilla

Regional Risk Index: Pacific

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

The Pacific Region Risk Index by Colombia Risk Analysis is the result of the study of the country's center-periphery dynamics, which have contributed to the lack of information on departments and municipalities far from the political and geographic center of the country. The Pacific Index is based on our Subnational Risk Index 2022 (IRS 2022) with respect to the six categories it contains and the analysis from a business approach, with the difference that the data correspond to each of the municipalities within the four departments that make up the region (Chocó, Valle del Cauca, Cauca and Nariño).

The index has two main objectives.

To provide companies and investors in each of the departments and in the Pacific with an account of the potential and existing risks in order to make informed investment decisions.

To contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of the opportunities offered by Colombia's most remote municipalities and departments, in order to contribute to their socio-economic development.

Read the full report here:


We would like to thank the International Center for Private Enterprise (CIPE), without whose support, funding and interest in promoting tools for the private sector in post-conflict areas this report would not have been possible.

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